Thursday, July 15, 2010

Needing Christ

Scripture tells of the blind and dead
The sick and helpless whom Jesus said
He came to heal
Oh! I need Him to touch my eyes
Pierce this heart and make it alive
So it can feel

Show me that I need you, Lord
More than anything else
Teach me, Lord, to want you
And to give up myself
Because I’m holding on to everything
Everything, and nothing
When I should be clinging to the cross

This battle never seems to end
My heart you always need to rend
So I can see
That though I know that I am yours
I’m quick to run from the grace that pours
On me from Calvary

I beg the Christ who begs for me
Make this heart that you have freed
Deeply love you
Take my affections, let me know
With thankful heart, my Savior’s blood did flow
To make me new

So filthy, wretched, here I come
And though my heart feels all too numb
To your mercy
I am clean through Christ the Son
Bearing my sin, on the cross He hung—
I am curse free!

Show me that I need you, Lord
More than anything else
Teach me, Lord, to want you
And to give up myself
Because I’m holding on to everything
Everything, and nothing
When I should be clinging to the cross